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The Animal Sanctuary receives no government funding and is completely supported by donations to our Charitable Trust. If you'd like to support our work with injured native birds and abused animals, we'll very much appreciate your donation:

By Direct Deposit

Direct deposit into The Animal Sanctuary Charitable Trust:

ASB Bank Account Number:

If you'd like a NZ tax claimable receipt, please put your name into the code, and then email us at

Give a Little

On the Givealittle site you can safely use your credit card (from any country), or internet banking (NZ only) to make a donation. They provide your receipt.

Give a little donation button
By PayPal

Donate securely with PayPal from anywhere in the world. You can make a one off contribution or become a regular donor:

Give a little donation button

Your donation goes a long way!

$10 buys a bale of hay

$15 pays for grazing for a rescued cow for 1 week

$20 buys fish for a penguin for a week

$25 pays for fruit for 3 native kereru for a week

$32 buys a bag of pellets for rescued hens

$40 buys a bag of quality low carb horse feed for the minis

$50 pays for painkillers and antibiotics for injured native birds

$100 buys 3 bags of Multi Nuts to feed pigs, sheep & goats

$125 pays for a visit from the farrier for the horse hooves

$200 helps to desex an abandoned animal before adoption

As a registered charity, all donations go directly into The Animal Sanctuary Charitable Trust and are used to provide food, housing, veterinary care, and rescue missions for the animals and birds in our care.

All donations of $5 and over are tax deductible for NZ earners. If you provide your email address, we’ll send a tax receipt so that you can get 1/3 of your donation refunded back to you at the end of each financial year.

If you would like to support us more regularly, you can become a highly appreciated Sanctuary Supporter!
For more information, please click here to visit our Sanctuary Supporter page.

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Privacy Policy | Sitemap

The Animal Sanctuary is an animal refuge run by Shawn Bishop and Michael Dixon in Matakana, New Zealand. We provide a safe haven for abused and neglected animals, and care for injured or orphaned native birds. A charitable trust has been established for this purpose.

2024 The Animal Sanctuary